To empower enlightened leadership throughout
the world through the expression of universal spiritual principles

On behalf of the founding
partners and associates of the Center,
I am delighted to welcome you to our website. We are an organization
committed to making the world better, especially for children. We
believe that enlightened leadership is the key to making that vision
a reality. The Center is committed to empowering enlightened leadership
through the expression of universal spiritual principles. We believe
everyone has a role to play in creating a better world. We invite
you to get to know us and join with us in common purpose.
- Dr. Stephen L. Sokolow, Executive Director
- The Center provides professional development
and consulting services to leaders
in both the public and private sectors, especially in the field
of education.
- The Center provides speakers and facilitators for institutes,
workshops, and conferences that focus on one or more of The
Spiritual Principles of Leadership identified by Dr. Paul
D. Houston and Dr. Stephen L. Sokolow.
- The Center is committed to playing a catalytic role in shaping
the future of public education by partnering with other interested
leaders and organizations.
- The Center serves as a cyber cafe to connect
individuals and groups committed to making our world better.
Dr. Paul Houston and Dr. Stephen Sokolow are currently working on
a series of books dealing with The Spiritual
Principles of Leadership.
The essence of their work is understanding, integrating, and expressing
the spiritual dimension of leadership. Their books are about universal
spiritual principles that can serve as the foundation for wise leadership.
The importance of their work can be viewed through three lenses:
The first lens is a worldview. The
world is in crisis and, unless there is a shift in awareness, we
may be moving toward a future that is more bleak than bright. Enlightened
leaders can play an essential role in moving the world toward a
better and brighter future.
The second lens is for leaders. Leaders want to be wise and effective. The
Spiritual Principles of Leadership can contribute to greater
wisdom that will help leaders not only know the right things to
do and how to do them in the right way at the right time, but also
help them do so for the right reasons. Based on these principles,
enlightened leaders can foster more effective organizations and
be more fulfilled in their work.
The third lens is from the viewpoint of
the individual. Leadership, based on universal spiritual
principles, can empower people at all levels. As individuals become
empowered, they can manifest their unique gifts and talents, which
will contribute to personal satisfaction and to the common good.
So enlightened leadership is about
making the world better, helping leaders grow and become more effective,
and about empowering people throughout the world to fulfill their
best destiny. |
Visit Voices for the New Age
Listen to Voices for the New Age, a weekly internet radio program co-hosted by Dr. Stephen L. Sokolow. Tune in every week for cutting-edge ways to improve your well-being and explore personal growth and empowerment. Wednesdays at 10 am Pacific time and and 1 pm Eastern time. 
The Empowering Leader:
12 Core Values to Supercharge Your Leadership Skills
“Stephen and Paul are gifted storytellers and leaders. In this book, they open doorways to new ways of thinking that will stretch and widen any reader's capacity to inspire others. The world needs what they offer within these pages.”
Dawna Markova, author of Collaborative Intelligence: Thinking with People Who Think Differently
The Wise Leader:
Doing the Right Things
for the Right Reasons
“Never will you find such a constellation of distilled wisdom on leadership for all circumstances.”
Michael Fullan, professor emeritus, OISE/University of Toronto
The Spiritual Dimension of Leadership
“In this book, Paul Houston and Steve Sokolow sow seeds
of wisdom that offer hope and sound guiding principles for
America’s educational leaders.”
Richard W. Riley, former U.S. Secretary of Education
and former Governor of South Carolina
PODCAST Interviews
Jennings Wire
iUniverse Talk Radio
Hear Dr. Sokolow and Dr. Houston about their new book, The Wise Leader: Doing the Right Things for the Right Reasons.
The Lens: Issue 27
Leading with Compassion
Posted May 2016